Hey, look! I’ve got a blog. And a website.

Will I use it?

That’s a good question. Will I answer my own question? Probably not.

My interests tend to wax and wane and this website will be dedicated to them. The updates will be constant or they’ll be rare. It’s hard to say. It’s near impossible to predict when depression & anxiety will take over.

I’ve never done the blog thing; most of my thoughts and comments end up in the void of social media or somewhere in a Discord server. I’ve had this domain for years and even had web hosting on another platform for an equal amount of years but I could never bring myself to create my own website.

I’m a software developer by day and a creative mess by night. I’ve always thought, “Oh I can just create my own whizbang fancy pants website with all these neat widgets!”, and then never would. After writing code all day, I rarely want to continue doing so in my free time. So I switched to Squarespace. Just because I CAN create something from scratch doesn’t mean I have to. I much prefer the ease of use and, for now, keeping things simple.

With that said, I hope by writing just this one log I’ve ignited something and given myself an outlet.


Why, “AdjectiveBeaver”?